DATA PROTECTION POLICY OÜ is a European based company and is committed to protecting the Personal Data of individuals who uses its software and services. This Privacy Policy aims to provide you with details on the type of information OÜ collects from you, and to explain how we gather, use, and protect your Personal Data.

A. Definitions

·         GDPR

(General Data Protection Regulation)

GDPR is a regulation that requires businesses to protect the Personal Data and privacy of all individuals across the EU. EU residents will now have greater say over what, how, why, where, and when their Personal Data is used, processed, or disposed. This rule clarifies how the EU Personal Data laws apply even beyond the borders of the EU. Any organization that works with EU residents’ Personal Data in any manner, irrespective of location, has obligations to protect the data.

·         Personal Data

Data pertaining to Data Controller’s participants of the event. Personal Data may include, but is not limited to, name, age group, nationality, company name, job title, email address, mobile number, payment details, IP address or message content etc.

If you are submitting Personal Data relating to any other person or on behalf of other individuals, you represent that you have full authorization to provide this information to OÜ, and to permit us to use it in compliance with this Privacy Policy.

With respect to the Personal Data of EU residents, OÜ complies with applicable requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as it applies to Personal Data.

·         Data Processor

( OÜ)

The Data Processor is an organization contracted by the Data Controller to carry out the data processing. They deal with the data requested by the Data Controller for specific purposes that involve personal data processing. OÜ being the Data Processor is not responsible for any decisions or actions taken by the Data Controller (Client) with respect to your information (or by any third party with whom the Data Controller may share your information).

·         Data Controller


The Data Controller is an organization who owns the data and the responsibility of their participant’s data. They are the one making decisions about data collection and processing activities. They also need to ensure its GDPR compliance by defining its requirements to the Data Processor.

·       Storage and Sharing of Google User Data:

Your Google user data is securely stored and is only used as described in this privacy policy and our product-specific privacy disclosures. We adhere to Google’s Limited Use requirements, ensuring that your data is not shared or utilized beyond the functionalities needed to operate our services. Your data is protected in compliance with industry standards and is only accessible to authorized personnel who need it to perform their job functions.

B. Data Collection

·         From our Website

If you visit OÜ website and request a free demo, ask for Service information, or download content, you will be asked to provide certain Personal Data, including your contact details.

We will use this Personal Data for purposes such as answering questions regarding our Service offerings or initiating a sales dialogue.

·         From our Platform

Data collected via the OÜ platform is collected from or on behalf of our Clients who are hosting or managing events. This information is either collected from Client administrators who access the Back-End of our Platform.

This type of Personal Data is controlled by the Client, and OÜ only collects and processes it at the Client’s instruction, and in accordance with instructions provided by the Client, including the applicable terms in any Client Agreement.

·         From Email messages

If you contact a OÜ representative, we will store information such as the email address from which you sent the message and use the information to respond to your inquiry.

·         Information from Cookies OÜ may collect additional information through the use of cookies which are small data files placed on your computer’s hard drive. This will help us to know when you visit a particular site or identify which pages are being used to analyze data about web page traffic to better improve our website.

Generally, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie will never give us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. You may set your computer’s browser preferences to remove and disable cookies. However, please note that some features of the Sites or Services may not be accessible or operate properly if you disable your cookies.

.       Information from Google

We collect and use your Google account information, including your name and profile photo, to personalize your MICEtribe account and improve your user experience. Additionally, we access your Google email to enable you to use your email as an SMTP server, allowing you to send emails directly through our system. This access is solely used for the purposes disclosed and will not be used for any other functions or shared with third parties.

C. Accessing your Personal Data

You can access your account at your convenience to revise or correct errors in your personal data (unless such revisions or corrections may compromise privacy or security concerns).

D. Retaining your Personal Data OÜ will retain Personal Data we collect from our Clients or Event Participants, and process on behalf of the Client, for as long as necessary to provide our Services to the Client, and will maintain such information controlled by the Client in accordance with the Client’s instructions, including any applicable Client Agreement terms, and as required by applicable law.

E. Security OÜ adheres in protecting the privacy of your Personal Data. We implement appropriate organizational, technical, and administrative measures to protect your Personal Data from any unauthorized access and Personal Data Breach.

While OÜ strives take necessary measures in order to protect your Personal Data, please be aware that no data transmission or electronic storage system guarantees 100% security. OÜ therefore cannot guarantee the absolute security of your Personal Data.

However, if you feel that the security of your transaction with us has been compromised, please immediately notify us by contacting our Data Protection Officer at

F. Contact Information

Your privacy is important to us. If you have any questions or concerns about privacy at OÜ, please contact us, and our Data Protection Officer will be happy to assist you.

Ahmed Fawzi

Data Protection Officer

G. Amendments to Privacy Policy

Our business is constantly evolving and adapting to new changes and, therefore, our Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. If we make any changes, we will notify you either by means of a notice on this website or through email you specified in your account prior to the changes becoming effective.

Please review this section of the Website periodically to check for the latest information on our Privacy Policy.

If you want to know more about the EU General Data Protection Regulation, please check this link: